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The Three Column System

November 9, 2023

The Three Column System is a principle that maps universal energy flow, with positive and negative columns as opposites and a neutral column as a mediator. Balancing these forces can lead to harmony and realization of potential. Through resistance and the Central Column’s mediation, we can achieve our desires.

The three-column system is a spiritual framework that categorizes Divine forces into Right, Left, and Center columns, providing insights into influences shaping experiences, relationships, and environments. It aids personal development and transformation by helping understand the interaction of qualities like kindness and severity, improving decision making, and enabling individuals to create peace and balance.

The three-column system aids in understanding the spiritual implications of actions. It allows individuals to connect with God and the spiritual realms, influencing their spiritual growth. Ignoring this system can lead to imbalanced decisions and hinder spiritual development.

The Three Spiritual Forces in the Universe

Three distinct spiritual forces permeate all existence. Using the language of metaphor, these three forces as the Right, Left, and Central Columns. The Right column correlates to the positive [+] force, which manifests physically as the proton. The Left column signifies the negative charge [-], manifesting as the electron. The Central column is expressed through the neutron, the force that bridges the positive and negative poles.

Just as the filament in a light bulb creates the resistance that generates light, the Central column corresponds to the cosmic force of resistance — the Firmament whose resistance produces illumination. Even sunlight striking a physical object requires reflection to generate luminous energy. This model for arousing both spiritual and physical Light is mirrored within ourselves.

The left side corresponds to the negative column [-] and to our desire to receive. The right side signifies the positive column [+], the intention to share that resides in our soul. Our hearts and minds correspond to the Central Column. This is our free will, whereby we can choose to resist the desire to receive and nurture the intention to share. This is the choice that arouses spiritual Light.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Yeshua, Matthew 5:9

We can reconcile opposition, acting as a harmonizing bridge, thus helping dissolve conflict. Individual division fuels hatred and violence, regardless of position validity.

The Central Column

The Central Column acts like the filament in a light bulb, mediating between positive and negative polarities to generate energy. Think of the Central Column as a debate moderator, a referee, a diplomat, or an arbitrator in a dispute. Just as the filament resists to produce light, the peacemaker holds back their own views to efficiently resolve the conflict in question.

he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left … Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. Jesus, Matthew 25:32–33.

the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and for the left. Saul, 2 Corinthians 6:7.

The Three Columns

The Three Column System is composed of three columns: the right column, the left column, and the central column. The right column represents the positive principle, while the left column represents the negative principle. The central column represents the mediating principle that must bridge the two polarities.

The right column is associated with the attribute of grace, and mercy, and loving-kindness (Chesed; חֶסֶד), while the left column is associated with the attribute of strength, power, and severity (Gevurah; גבורה). The column on the right represents giving, associated with the radiance of loving-kindess. The column on the left represents receiving, associated with the radiance of Gevurah, which symbolizes strength.

The central column represents the attribute of harmony. It’s represented by the radiance beauty (Tiferet). The central column is the path of balance between the right and left columns. This represents the principle that mediates between two polarities. The central column is the path of balance between the right and left columns.

The Role of Resistance

Interestingly, to truly gain what we seek, we must first exercise restraint. Energy is revealed through this act of limitation and this is the Central Column’s intelligence and power. When we resist our desires, we forge the connection that ultimately fulfils them. So, does this mean we must deny our wants to eventually attain them? Do we have to refuse before accepting? It may seem counterintuitive, but in line with the principle of Returning Light, all energy unveiled in this world of limitation is indeed reflected (or restricted) energy. Therefore, if we wish to receive (or unveil desired energy), we must suppress our desires, creating an obstruction to the actual reception. When we say no, the Central Column generates a interference in the world of Malchut, allowing for the revelation of the Light, the positive energy.

Resistance is fundamental to the physical world and should guide our emotional and intellectual responses. Despite its simplicity, many fail to grasp this concept due to viewing nature as separate from themselves. Given societal and educational norms, understanding and accepting resistance can be challenging due to ingrained teachings.

The Filament

The filament is a fundamental concept in the Three Column System. It represents the mediating principle that must bridge the two polarities, positive and negative so that energy can be manifested. The filament is the path of balance between the right and left columns. It represents the mediating principle that must bridge the two polarities.

The filament is the resistance. The greater the resistance, the brighter the glow.

We learned that in the filament of a light bulb, it is the negative pole, not the positive, that initiates all circuits of energy. The desire to receive makes contact with the intention to share thereby creating a circuitry conductive to revealment of the Light. The result is that the desire to receive and the intention to share are both satisfied leaving the individual in a state of constant fulfillment and happiness.

The brightness of a light bulb is determined by the filament’s size, not the current in the wiring system. God does not change. The current remains the same, whether it’s powering a demanding appliance like an air conditioner or a small five-watt bulb. Just as a light bulb emits light depending on the filament’s capacity, we can only manifest as much Light as our capacity for restriction allows our inner intention to share (circular vessels) to reveal.

Salt of the Earth

Consider the concept of fire and water. Fire represents judgment (gevurah), while water embodies mercy (chesed). God subjects a soul to water (mercy) prior to exposing it to fire (judgment). Akin to the method of a blacksmith who saturates metal in water before subjecting it to flames.

The fusion of fire and water yields salt, aligning with Jesus’ statement, “You are the salt of the earth.” Salt serves as a metaphor for the soul’s evolution toward a yearning for mercy, akin to water. Additionally, akin to salt enhancing flavor, the soul elevates its surroundings. This illustrates Jesus’ point: embracing mercy not only nurtures the individual but also uplifts the environment. Salt represent equilibrium, the Central Column which is the result of a striking between the intensity of judgment and the gentleness of mercy. Much like salt’s influence, the soul is prompted to infuse its environment with the transformative power of Chesed from which come grace, greatness, and revealment.